Blog Archive

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Guardian Angel

This morning while I was travelling to office, I stopped at my regular joint for a nicotine refill. I saw this Pug (dog) being brought out by its owner for a morning walk. The owner decided to stay by the gate and the dog wanted to go further.

It kept looking back at the owner and it took two steps ahead and waited for him. The owner was still undecided as it was quite cold outside. Finally after the dog kept waiting for him, he decided to lock the house and step out with it. The dog was so excited and confidently walked ahead with an eye looking out for the owner.

I saw the kind of trust it had in the owner. It trusted that no matter what there is a person watching my back and I am safe.

Similarly in life, we all have well wishers or what I would like to call as the “Guardian Angel”.

There is a Guardian Angel at every stage/step of our life. They could be your Mother, Wife in your personal life. They could be your Manager/Colleague at your Professional Life. They could be your Teacher/Lecturer at your college.

You need to make sure that whatever success you achieve and the distance you cover at each stage of your life; you always have a Guardian Angel right behind you to watch your back.

Never leave your Angel too far behind and make yourself vulnerable.

1 comment:

Raadhika said...

Yes sure as you say even when I thought about the point it is really true about the Guardian Angel. Good Thought!